Grow By Three

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March 2020

Have you been dreaming lately? And no — we do not mean the kind of dreaming that happens while you are asleep. We are referring to wide-eyed, ambitious, "what-if" dreaming about your life — the kind that makes you excited for your future!

If you have not been dreaming lately, you should ask yourself why. Are you super comfortable with where you are? Are you too busy or too overwhelmed to think about anything else? Have you been missing inspiration to think beyond your current circumstances? Whatever your reason is, try to recognize it and reflect on it. If you actually feel like your current circumstances are perfect, then read no further! We are super happy for you!

For those of us who have been dreaming about new opportunities, this is an exciting time. We are the drivers of our own experiences, and thinking ahead about next steps can lead us to some wonderfully-fulfilling new places. However, we can admit that thinking about next steps can also make us worry! Some Grow By Three clients have expressed that there is an extraordinary level of stress that can come with identifying a new goal, particularly when we are not exactly sure how to reach it, or if we feel like our goal is unrealistic. We want to remind you not to let worry overshadow the goals you have for yourself.

We, as people, have a tendency to sell ourselves short, and make experiences seem out of reach when they are actually attainable. Big goals can seem arduous because sometimes they are! The best things in life often take a lot of work, so do not be afraid. Before giving an obstacle the power to defeat you, give yourself a chance to strategize. Chances are, you can overcome the obstacles in your way through commitment to the right strategy.   

This week, we challenge you to build on your strategy. Do something — even something extremely small — to equip yourself with information that will lead you in the direction of those dreams you have been having. Whether it is a message you need to send, conversation you need to have, application you need to draft, dollar you need to save – take that step. Let’s focus a little less on grand gestures that can often be elusive, and focus more on the simple steps we can take each day to bring our dreams a little bit closer. We support you and know you can do it!

- Kelsea Médard